Supplementary immediate report – Judgment striking out the motion for discovery and review of documents under Section 198 of the Companies Law

October 20, 2023

Bezeq - The Israel Telecommunications Corp. Ltd.

(the “Company”)

September 20, 2023

Attn.                                                                                         Attn.

Israel Securities Authority                                                      Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd.

Supplementary immediate report – Judgment striking out the motion for discovery and review of documents under Section 198 of the Companies Law

Further to the Company's immediate report dated June 24, 2018 and section 2.18.1(G) of the Description of the Company’s Business in the Company’s Periodic Report for 2022, regarding a motion for discovery and review of documents under Section 198 of the Companies Law for assessment before filing a motion for certification of a derivative claim on behalf of the Company regarding the sale of the Company's shares in 2016 by B Communications Ltd., a supplementary immediate report is hereby issued, whereby on September 19, 2023, a judgment was handed down striking out the motion.

In accordance with the judgment, the motion was struck out because it was filed more than five years ago and no hearing has been held due to a stay of proceedings in the case.

The judgment further held that the dismissal does not toll the statute of limitations on the claims underlying the judgment and no claim will be heard in this matter for the period between the date of the judgment and the date a new claim is filed, if filed.

Yours sincerely,

“Bezeq” The Israel Telecommunication Corp Limited

The above information constitutes a translation of the Immediate Report published by the Company. The Hebrew version was submitted by the Company to the relevant authorities pursuant to Israeli law, and represents the binding version and the only one having legal effect. This translation was prepared for convenience purposes only.

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