Immediate Report - Filing of petition by a party to a collective dispute and urgent petition for a temporary injunction - Bezeq International

June 13, 2021

Further to the Company's Immediate Report dated March 25, 2021 and to section 4.8 of the Company’s 2020 Periodic Report concerning the declaration of a labor dispute at the subsidiary Bezeq International Ltd (“Bezeq International”) further to the intention to implement organizational changes at Bezeq International (“the Organizational Change”), on June 10, 2021 the Company received notice from Bezeq International that it had received a petition of a party to the collective dispute and a petition for a temporary injunction filed with the Tel-Aviv District Labor Court by the  Histadrut (New General Federation of Workers)  - Union of Cellular, Internet and Hi-Tech Union and the Bezeq International works council (“the Petition”).

The Petition claims that Bezeq International is unlawfully refusing to provide the employees’ representatives with material documents related to the Organizational Change they have requested in order to conduct collective negotiations, thereby violating the duties of consultation and disclosure in negotiations.

The Histadrut and workers council have petitioned the court to oblige Bezeq International to hand over to the employees’ representatives the documents and that after the hearing, the court would accept the party’s petition and issue a permanent injunction ordering Bezeq International to refrain from taking unilateral steps concerning the Organizational Change before the holding of consultations and negotiations, and a permanent injunction to hold consultations and negotiations with the employees’ representatives about the Organizational Change.

Bezeq International is studying the application and at this point is unable to assess its chances.

Yours sincerely,

“Bezeq” The Israel Telecommunication Corp Limited

The above information constitutes a translation of the Immediate Report published by the Company. The Hebrew version was submitted by the Company to the relevant authorities pursuant to Israeli law, and represents the binding version and the only one having legal effect. This translation was prepared for convenience purposes only.

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