Immediate Report – Call for proposals – supply of telecommunications services to the business sector

May 17, 2022

Re: Immediate Report – Call for Proposals – Supply of Telecommunications Services to the Business Sector


On May 16, 2022, the Company received a Call for Proposals published by the Ministry of Communications regarding the supply of telecommunications services to the business sector, in which the ministry calls on companies in the telecommunications market providing telecommunications services to the medium-to-large sized enterprises (MLEs) sector, to provide details of their activity in this sphere and of the existing barriers they face to the expansion of this activity. The objective of this is to promote regulation that will enhance the competition in this field.

Pursuant to what is stated in the Call for Proposals, the medium-to-large sized enterprises (MLEs) sector is characterized by substantial economies of scale, as well as significant entry and expansion barriers that also limit players who have been operating in this market for a number of years. Moreover, the Company’s market share in this sector and the pace of change within them constitute an indication of the low level of competition in this sector, which has an impact on the prices and the level of services that businesses in Israel receive; thus, the ministry has decided to take action by examining the state of competition and the barriers in this field and is thus reaching out to the various players to receive their inputs.

Responses to the Call for Proposals may be submitted by June 6, 2022.

The Company is studying the Call for Proposals and intends to provide the ministry with its response and comments.

To view the Call for Proposals in Hebrew on the Ministry of Communications website, see

Yours sincerely,
“Bezeq” The Israel Telecommunication Corp Limited


The above information constitutes a translation of the Immediate Report published by the Company. The Hebrew version was submitted by the Company to the relevant authorities pursuant to Israeli law, and represents the binding version and the only one having legal effect. This translation was prepared for convenience purposes only.

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