Bezeq - Immediate Report – Media reports regarding the cancellation of structural separation in Bezeq

April 12, 2018

April 12, 2018 

Immediate Supplementary Report


Media Reports Regarding the Cancellation of Structural Separation in Bezeq


Further to the media reports of April 11, 2018 according to which, among other matters, the cancellation of structural separation in the Bezeq Group is not currently on the agenda, the Company wishes to clarify that it has not received any formal or other notice regarding a change in the Ministry of Communications' policy regarding the cancellation of the structural separation and that to the best of the Company's understanding, based on an examination conducted, there is no change in the Ministry's policy and the Ministry's activity in the matter continues (see section in the Description of the Corporation's Business in the Periodic Report for 2017).


The above information constitutes a translation of the Immediate Report published by the Company. The Hebrew version was submitted by the Company to the relevant authorities pursuant to Israeli law, and represents the binding version and the only one having legal effect. This translation was prepared for convenience purposes only.

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