Bezeq - Immediate Report - Cancellation of ruling of interim Anti-Trust Commissioner

March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018

Immediate Report

Cancellation of Ruling of Interim Anti-Trust Commissioner

Further to the Company’s Immediate Report dated November 16, 2014 and the description in section of the Company’s 2016 Annual Periodic Report concerning the ruling of the Interim Anti-Trust Commissioner (“the Ruling” and “the Commissioner”, respectively), whereby the Company had abused its monopoly position by setting prices in contravention of the provisions of section 29A of the Anti-Trust Law, 1988, an Immediate Report is hereby provided that on March 20, 2018 the Company received a decision (of that date) of the Anti-Trust Court in an appeal filed by the Company against the Ruling, whereby the Ruling was annulled, further to an agreed petition of the parties. In accordance with the decision, the Ruling was nullified ab initio, namely as though there had never been a Ruling.

It should be noted that there is pending against the Company an application for approval of a class action in the overall amount of NIS 244 million (in respect of this application, see the Company’s Immediate Report dated August 31, 2015 and section 2.18(c) of the Description of the Company’s Business in the Company’s 2016 Annual Periodic Report), which was based on the Ruling and whose proceedings were held up since the Company’s appeal in the matter of the Ruling was pending at the Anti-Trust Court, where matters identical to the key items of the application for approval were being discussed.


The above information constitutes a translation of theImmediate Reportpublished by the Company. The Hebrew version wassubmitted by the Company tothe relevant authorities pursuant to Israeli law, and represents the bindingversion and the only onehaving legal effect. This translation was preparedfor convenience purposes only.

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